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​論文要旨 Abstracts

Dr. Matthew FRALEIGH マシュー・フレーリ博士



Receding Figures: Reading Tao Yuanming in Nineteenth Century Japan

陶淵明には、さまざまなイメージが付きまとう。今日の読者は、陶淵明のことを典型的な隠者、または飲酒の賛美者、田園風景及び農耕生活に素朴な快楽を見出した人、自由闊達な生き方の実践者、忠節漢等々として想起するであろう。近年英語圏で次々と発表されてきたTian Xiaofei, Wendy Swartz, Robert Ashmore諸氏による研究書は、これらの陶淵明象がいかなるプロセスによって歴史的に造られてきたかという問題に照明を当てた。本発表も、後代における陶淵明のさまざまな鑑賞のされ方、各種各様な創作への影響の仕方についてこれら一連の研究と同様論じる。しかしもっと共時的なアプローチを採用して、ある時代に生きた日本の漢詩人が、どのように陶淵明を受容したか、そしてその個人的な受容の仕方にどのような変化が見られるかについて考察する。幕末維新期を生き抜いた二人の漢詩人である矢口謙斎(一八一七年~一八七九年)及び成島柳北(一八三七年~一八八四年)に焦点を絞る。徳川幕府に仕官していた二人は、詩的な交流によっても結ばれたのだが、それぞれの詩作において陶淵明と親近感を表現したり、また同時代の人からも、陶淵明と比較されたりした。ところが幕府の瓦解によって、まったく違う道を歩むことになった。柳北は、維新がもたらした新しい社会で活躍するジャーナリストとして再出発したが、謙斎は、明治という新しい社会と縁を切った旧幕臣として人生を全うすることにした。しかし、維新後の二人にとっても陶淵明がさまざまな意味で重要な存在であり続けた。

Dr. TAKEDA Yuki 武田祐樹博士



Kanbun (Sinitic prose) and Pre-modern East Asian Diplomacy: On Hayashi Razan’s Diplomatic Documents


























Professor. ETO Shigehiro 江藤茂博教授



The Influence of Confucianism on Japanese Secondary School Education


Professor. WU Zhen 呉震教授



Rethinking “Two Types of Yangming Learning”: Some Reflections on Early Modern Wang Yangming Studies in Japan


Dr. KAWABE Yutai 川辺雄大博士



KanbunTextbooks in Taiwan During the Pre-war period


Dr. Nicholas Morrow WILLIAMS 魏寧博士



Kūkai at Prayer: On the Religious and Literary Rhetoric of a Ganmon

The “prayer text” (Ch. yuanwen 願文; J. ganmon; K. wonmun) has a convoluted history throughout Asia in the first millennium C.E. During the heyday of elite Buddhism at Southern Dynasties courts, it was one of the many original genres in which Chinese writers experimented with the elegant, euphuistic style of the era. Yet the Buddhist prayer text is conspicuously absent from elite Tang literature, and we only know of its continued history in China via the popular texts preserved in abundance in the caves of Dunhuang. Prayer texts took on a major ceremonial role, however, in the Buddhist state of Nara and Heian Japan. Kūkai 空海 (774–835) and Sugawara no Michizane 菅原道真 (845–903), both wrote dozens of prayer texts, and wrote more pieces in this than any other single kanbun genre (other than shi poetry). Prayer texts, as adapted from Chinese models, became established as a key genre at the center of Japanese political and religious order, while also being further elaborated as a literary form that could convey passionate emotion. The importance of the prayer text to Kūkai’s work was in a sense overdetermined, since Kūkai was at the same time one of the supreme masters of kanbun in the Heian period; a decisive transmitter of Chinese texts and their associated culture, as the founder of Esoteric Buddhism in Japan; and also profoundly concerned with the Buddhist ritual response towards and philosophical conception of life and death. Moreover, these three strands of his achievement are all united in Kūkai’s vision of mantra as a verbal link between emptiness and cosmos. His prayer texts, which employ mantras and other technical vocabulary of Esoteric Buddhism, are one prime realization of his broader conception of ritual speech. Kūkai, though borrowing from the conventions of the genre as he did throughout his writings, also recreated the prayer text as a more powerful vessel of mantric assertion. Where earlier prayer texts had had a wishful or desperate tone, Kūkai’s were grounded instead in his faith that death was not the ultimate disaster. This paper illustrates Kūkai’s innovative use of the genre through a translation and close reading of his masterpiece “Dakṣiṇā For My Departed Pupil Chisen” 為亡弟子智泉達嚫文.

Dr. AOYAMA Daisuke 青山大介博士



A Confucian Critique of Christianity in the Meiji Era



本文首先剖析〈辨妄〉的忠孝觀念,闡明其「歴史主義」的傾向。即是安井息軒不是給忠孝觀念奠定「天理」等的形而上概念的基礎,而是將忠孝觀念定為日本社會透過長年歴史培養的倫理觀念。然後,本文闡明其「功利主義」的宗教觀念。即是安井息軒一邊認為因為基督教的教義與日本的傳統習俗相反得太甚,必定破壊日本既存的社會秩序,因此政府不可以解除基督教禁令,一邊認為雖然佛教和基督教的教義沒有顯著的不同,但是既然佛教已經在日本社會扎根得很久,就政府不可以廢除佛教。最後,本文指出〈辨妄〉跟井上毅《教育勅語》及井上哲次郎《教育勅語衍義》的忠孝觀念之間有類似之處。Joseph Pittau(1928- 2014)指出了井上毅對基督教的批判跟安井息軒〈辨妄〉之間有共同之處。另外,井上哲次郎《教育與宗教的衝突》引用了〈辨妄(二)〉。筆者曾經指出了安井息軒的漢籍注釋書不只是江戸漢學終點站,而且明治中國哲學的起點站。〈辨妄〉也不只是江戸儒學者對基督教的批判的集大成,而且是明治倫理學的先驅。

Professor. SATO Masayuki 佐藤将之教授



How did Sinology Evolve into Chinese Philosophy? On Inoue Enryo’s Pre-Qin Studies.


Dr. Kiri PARAMORE キリ・パラモア博士


近世日本中後期の政治と政治思想- その関係における儒教思想の射程

Politics and Political Thought in the Mature Early Modern State (1650-1830)

This paper is a draft of chapter I have been commissioned to write as part of the New Cambridge History of Japan, scheduled for publication in 2020. It analyses the history of Japanese politics and political thought between 1650 and 1830. It is a part of a set of three chapters which chart the political history of Japan in the Tokugawa period. My chapter emphasizes the role of political thought in the development of early modern politics.

The political and political thought histories of early modern Japan have often been analysed in separation, with political histories telling the story of a comparatively static political structure,[1]while political thought histories conversely tended to concentrate on the dynamism of intellectual development during the same period.[2]This chapter instead argues that politics and political thought were connected in early modern Japan through an increasingly public discussion in which the basic expectations of politics changed dramatically through the course of the long eighteenth century. This chapter links changes in the ‘horizon of expectation’ in political thinking, with increasing publicness in the conduct of politics, arguing that in tandem these can be seen to have brought about a general expansion of the political through the period. This accelerating broadening of the political between the mid-seventeenth and nineteenth centuries led to both increasing participation in politics, and an increased expectation of what politics and government should deliver. 

In this chapter I define politics as the process of negotiation between different stakeholders at all levels in society which constituted governance, and political thought as the deliberate expression of political positions (opinions) in those processes of negotiation. The most complex and enduring expressions of political thought are often found in state proclamations, memorials, advice documents and political treatises, which is why these kinds of sources are so often the object of political and political thought history. But political thought in early modern Japan also found expression in lewd street performance, graffiti, and urban rioting, the content and claims of which both influenced, and were influenced by, more established genres of political discussion. Overt expression of the subjective political outlooks of the people occurred in all these genres. These subjective outlooks were often expressed in these sources in terms of expectation. This informs our choice to focus on what the historical theorist Reinhard Koselleck has called the “horizon of expectation”, a discursive field the sources of which tend to demonstrate agency, and which according to Koselleck’s theory grows in importance as the processes of modernization accelerate.[3]   The study of these kinds of sources of political thought aids us not only in understanding early modern Japanese politics, but moreover what early modern Japanese themselves thought about Japanese politics. Through the connection between the two, it further allows us, at least potentially, to cast light on deeper issues of temporality and historicity, seeing deeper historical patterns, for instance the expansion of the political that this chapter argues occurred during the long eighteenth century. 

Confucianism went from being considered by state actors as a seditious political influence in the early 1600s, to being used by the shogunal state as the ideological justification for political economic reforms by the early 1700s. Through the 1700s its reach had broadened to the extent that it came to function as a medium for the open airing of increasingly public political disagreements. This change in government attitudes to Confucianism moved in step with more general attitudes and practices relating to broader issues of public expression and political involvement. 

The social function of this kind of political discourse, particularly as it was practiced in the many private schools and academies of urban Japan in the late 1700s, has been compared in recent historical writing to a “public sphere”.[4]It is important to note, however, that in contrast to Habermas’s idea of the public sphere, rooted in nineteenth century assertions of European bourgeois class mobility, most histories claiming a public sphere in early modern Japan locate it in political discussion and thought not led by merchant burghers, but constituted from a rather wider pool, including all social groups in Japanese society, led particularly by lower class samurai and higher class peasants.[5]This difference to the typical class contouring of European historiography resonates with the depiction of class roles in Hayami’s theory of “industrious revolution”, in that both sets of Japanese historical theory demote the merchant middle-class (bourgeoise) from their positions in European historiography as drivers of historical change, replacing them with broader class constellations (in the case of Hayami’s theory, led by the upper peasantry, in the case of Mitani and Watanabe’s, the lower orders of the samurai caste). The history of the public sphere in early modern Japan thus serves to challenge some of the pseudo-universalist ideas of bourgeoise superiority so central to European historiography and modern social theory. This chapter’s linkage of ideas of publicness to ideas of expectation seeks to add another interpretive layer to analyses of the role of agency and imagination in the development of these kinds of alternative visions of global early modern society.

This chapter is divided into five sections. Section One, “Civil Rule in a Military State”, describes the mature apparatus of the Tokugawa state, analyses its standardization across the country, outlines the ostensibly determining roles of class, status and gender in the apparatus, but also demonstrates how contested the apparatus was, even in the early stages of the shogunate. 

Section Two, “Confucian Debate and ‘Political Economy’”, analyses the rise to prominence of Confucian discursive forms in political debate, the significance of Confucian political thinking being based outside the state, and the massive change to the horizon of political expectation brought about by the general acceptance of the Confucian ideal of “political economy”, an ideal which held the state responsible for general social welfare. 

Section Three, “Debating Reform”, examines the overt attempts to “reform” the Tokugawa political economy, analysing the economic factors behind them, their relations to Confucian political economic theorization, and to increasingly public instances of debate and performance which also employed political thought to comment on governance in the early 1700s. It shows the influence of private sphere Confucian political thinking on the central state’s reform policies, but also on the forms and arguments of political resistance to those reforms, forms of resistance which found expression not only in policy writings, but also in directly connected lewd populist publications, drunken street festivals and graffitti. 

Section Four, “Debating Capital”, examines various forms of political responses, at both state and street level, to the increasing power of mercantile capital, particularly in the late 1700s. It discusses the concrete interactions between urban commoner street politics (riots) and state policy at this time. It also analyses the way the street interacted with other, non-state, yet organized forms of political expression. It demonstrates that political analyses emanating from private academies and schools in the urban areas outside Edo both influenced, and later in turn reacted to, the agenda of the urban rioters who affected both regime and policy change in the late 1700s.


Section Five, “State Building and the Institutionalization of Debate”, analyses the growing integration of merchant capital, popular sentiment and particularly the private academy intellectual specialists into state institutions as part of the creation of a state-led information order in the late 1700s and early 1800s. It concentrates particularly on the significance of the state’s integration and propagation of scholarly communicative methodologies which had earlier been employed by the politically influential private academies. It analyses the role of these methodologies in facilitating broader public debate on issues of governance, firstly outside the government, and then within it.


[1]Fujii Jōji, Totman etc

[2]Watanabe Hiroshi, Matsuda Kōichirō, Kurozumi Makoto, Maeda Tsutomu

[3]Kosseleck, Futures Past, 257-269

[4]Mitani, Maeda

[5]Habermas, Watanabe Hiroshi

Professor. ICHIKI Tsuyuhiko 市來津由彦教授



The Significance of Kanbun Kundokufor Classical Chinese Studies in Japan


Professor. MAKISUMI Etsuko 牧角悦子教授



A Case Study of Sino-Japanese Comparative Mythology









Dr. WANG Xiaolin 王小林博士



How Did Japanese Read the Weft Classics


Professor. MACHI Senjuro 町泉寿郎教授



Sinitic Poetry and Political Criticism


Professor. JIA Jinhua 賈晉華教授:総括

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