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発表者 Panelists

Dr. Matthew FRALEIGH マシュー・フレーリ博士

Matthew Fraleigh is Associate Professor of East Asian Literature and Culture at Brandeis University. His research concerns the literature of early modern and modern Japan, especially kanshibun (Sinitic poetry and prose). He has published two books focused on Narushima Ryūhoku: a study entitled Plucking Chrysanthemums: Narushima Ryūhoku and Sinitic Literary Traditions in Modern Japan (Harvard, 2016), and an annotated translation, New Chronicles of Yanagibashi and Diary of a Journey to the West: Narushima Ryūhoku Reports From Home and Abroad (Cornell, 2010). He is currently working on a book project concerning early modern Japanese theoretical discourse on composing Sinitic poetry.


Dr. TAKEDA Yuki 武田祐樹博士




Professor. ETO Shigehiro 江藤茂博教授



Professor. WU Zhen 呉震教授



Dr. KAWABE Yutai 川辺雄大博士



Dr. Nicholas Morrow WILLIAMS 魏寧博士

Nicholas Morrow Williams obtained his BA from Harvard University and MA, PhD from University of Washington. He is assistant professor in the School of Chinese of the University of Hong Kong and editor of Tang Studies. He came to HKU in 2016, having previously taught at Hong Kong Baptist University and Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interests revolve around China’s poetic tradition, particularly the Six Dynasties and Tang periods, but also touch on the interactions of Buddhism and poetry, literary translation, and Sino-Japanese literature. In the School of Chinese, he teaches undergraduate courses such as CHIN1118 “Introduction to Classical Chinese Literature,” CHIN2123 “Shi Poetry up to the Nineteenth Century,” and CHIN2147 “Reading of Classical Chinese Texts.” He has recently published an annotated translation of selected poems of Hong Kong scholar and polymath Jao Tsung-i.


  1. Elegies of Chu: An Anthology of Poetic Masterpieces from Ancient China. Under contract for Oxford World Classics series, published by Oxford University Press.

  2. The Rhapsodic Imagination: Studies in the Fu Literary Genre of Imperial China.Sole editor. Forthcoming in East Asia and its Periphery from 200 BCE to 1600 CE series, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.

  3. The Residue of Dreams: Selected Poems of Jao Tsung-i. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell East 

     Asia Series, 2016.

  4. Southern Identity and Southern Estrangement in Medieval Chinese Poetry. Co-edited  

     with Wang Ping. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2015.

  5.  Imitations of the Self: Jiang Yan and Chinese Poetics.Leiden: Brill, 2015.


Dr. AOYAMA Daisuke 青山大介博士

男,1972年生,日本國宮崎縣人,日本國立廣島大學博士(文學),嶽麓書院特聘副教授。2001年日本國立廣島大學文學院哲學系中國哲學專業博士畢業後,任教於日本國的廣島女學院大學文學系,主講漢文課。後調臺灣南榮科技大學應用日語系,任助理教授、副教授。2017年7月起調入湖南大學嶽麓書院。主要從事中國古代觀念史(“聖人”觀念)、先秦諸子學(《呂氏春秋》、出土文獻)、日本近代經學思想史(安井息軒[1799 -1876])。在臺灣的《台大日本語言研究》、《漢學研究集刊》、《經學研究集刋》、《東亞觀念史集刊》等HTCI源刊的期刊雜誌以及日本國的《日本中國學會報》、《東洋古典學研究》等的學術雜誌上發表學術論文若干篇。曾主持臺灣科技部的個人研究計畫。2017年10月獲得“日本中國學會獎”。


Professor. SATO Masayuki 佐藤将之教授

1990年3月日本青山學院大學國際政治經濟學部(國際政治)畢業, 1993年6月臺灣國立臺灣大學政治學研究所政治學碩士, 1995年6月韓國國立首爾大学政治學研究所政治學碩士。2001年5月荷蘭萊頓大學漢學研究院漢學博士(中國思想)專攻は中國思想史、儒家思想、荀子、東亞政治哲學等。荷蘭萊頓大學漢學研究院兼任講師(1999年9月-2002年7月)、中華民國蒋經國基金會博士後研究(2001年6月-2002年7月)を経て、2002年國立臺灣大學哲學系助理教授2009年副教授、2014年教授。



Dr.Kiri PARAMORE キリ・パラモア博士

Kiri Paramore teaches History and Asian Studies at Leiden. His latest book, Japanese Confucianism: A Cultural History (Cambridge University Press), won a CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title Award in 2016. He is also the author of Ideology and Christianity in Japan(Routledge, 2009), and editor of Religion and Orientalism in Asian Studies(Bloomsbury, 2016). His articles have appeared in such journals as the Journal of Asian Studies, theJournal of Early Modern History, Comparative Studies in Society and History, theJournal of Japanese Studies, andtheProceedings of the British Academy. He currently serves as chief editor of the Cambridge History of Confucianism, and as one of the authors of the New Cambridge History of Japan.


Professor. ICHIKI Tsuyuhiko 市來津由彦教授



Professor. MAKISUMI Etsuko 牧角悦子教授



Dr. WANG Xiaolin 王小林博士

Wang Xiaolin is Associate Professor in the Department of Asian and International Studies of City University of Hong Kong. His research concentrates on the Sino-Japanese relationships of literature, religion, mythology, and intellectual thought. He has published extensively on these topics since he received his PhD from Kyoto University in 1999. Since 2011, He has published seven academic books in Japan, Taiwan, Mainland and Hong Kong. He also published a number of articles in peer reviewed journals. His recent publications include The Formation and Development of Japanese National Studies, (Taipei: Linking Publishing, 2013). Studies in Sino-Japanese Comparative Mythology, (Tokyo: Kyuko Shoin Press, 2014); The Literature of Zen Buddhism: The Ten Oxherding Pictures (Hong Kong: Chunghwa Book Co HK, 2015); Studies in Sino-Japanese Comparative Philosophy (Tokyo: Kyuko Shoin Press, 2016). The Formation of Kojiki and East Asian Mysticism (Tokyo: Kyuko Shoin Press, 2018). New Philology and the Study of Early China, (Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publisher, 2018 (ed. Jia Jinhua, Chen Wei, Wang Xiaolin). He is now working on his eighth monograph of The History of Sino-Japanese Comparative Political Thought. 


Professor. MACHI Senjuro 町泉寿郎教授

石川県生まれ。二松學舍大学文学研究科博士後期課程国文学専攻修了、博士(文学)。北里研究所研究員を経て、二松學舍大学に教鞭を執る。専門は16~19世紀の日本漢学、日本医学史。編著書、『渋沢栄一は漢学とどう関わったか』2017,『曲直瀬道三と近世日本医療社会』2015,『シーボルト日本書籍コレクション現存書目録と研究』2014,『Listen, Copy, Read:Popular Learning in Early Modern Japan』2014,『大学聴塵 翻印之部(清原宣賢漢籍抄翻印叢刊)』2011,『近代日中関係史人名辞典』2010。


Professor. JIA Jinhua 賈晉華教授

Prof. Jia Jinhua graduated from Xiamen University and University of Colorado at Boulder. Before joining the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, she had taught at Xiamen University, City University of Hong Kong, and University of Macau. Following the Chinese academic tradition of literature, history, and philosophy being one family and the modern research tendency of interdisciplinary, Prof. Jia’s teaching and research fields involve various aspects of traditional Chinese literature, religion, and thought and the interaction between them, as well as the important presentation of women and gender studies within these fields.


1.Gender, Power, and Talent: Daoist Priestesses in Tang China. New York: Columbia University Press, 2018. 

2. Li Zehou and Confucian Philosophy. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press (ed. Roger T. Ames & Jinhua Jia), 2018. 

3.Study of Classical Chan Buddhism 古典禅研究:中唐より五代に至る禅宗の発展についての新研究. Trans. Saito Tomohiro and Murata Mio. Tokyo: Kyūko shoin 汲古書院, 2018. 

4. New Philology and the Study of Early China 新語文學與早期中國研究. Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publisher, 2018 (ed. Jia Jinhua, Chen Wei, Wang Xiaolin, Lai Guolong). 

5. Li Zehou and Confucian Philosophy 李澤厚與儒學哲學. Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publisher, 2017 (ed. Roger T. Ames & Jinhua Jia). 

6.Traces of Integration: Buddhism and the Chinese Tradition 融合之跡:佛教與中國傳統. Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Press, 2017 (ed. Jia Jinhua). 

7.Gendering Chinese Religion: Subject, Identity, and Body 性別化中國宗教. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2014 (ed. Jinhua Jia, Xiaofei Kang, & Ping Yao). 

8.Study of Classical Chan Buddhism: Revised Edition 古典禪研究: 修訂版 (enhanced and simplified Chinese version). In Philosophy Series of Contemporary China 當代中國哲學叢書. Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Press, 2013.

9.Study of Classical Chan Buddhism古典禪研究. Oxford and Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2010. 

10. The Hongzhou School of Chan Buddhism in Eighth- through Tenth-Century China 洪州禪研究. Albany: State University of New York Press, August 2006; paperback, 2007. 

11.Anthologies of Gathering and Groups of Poets in the Tang Dynasty 唐代集會總集與詩人群研究. Beijing: Beijing University Press, 2001. 2nd and enhanced edition, in Boya wenxue luncong 博雅文學論叢. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2015. 

12.Catalogue of Ancient Chinese Books in Hong Kong Collections 香港所藏古籍書目. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2003 (chief editor, received a regional book award). 

13.Encyclopedia of Tang Literature 唐代文學百科辭典. Shanghai: Hanyu dacidian chubanshe, 2003 (co-editor and articles writer). 

14.Chronology of the Five-Dynasties Literature 唐五代文學編年史: 五代卷. Liaoning: Liaohai chubanshe, 1998 (first author, received a National Book Award of China); enhanced and extended edition, 2013. 

15.Chronology of the Buddhist Monk-Poet Jiaoran’s Life 皎然年譜. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 1992 (received a regional book award). 

16.Annotation on Biographies of Tang Poets 唐才子傳校箋. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1990 (author of vol. 5, juan 10).

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